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Use Google search to schedule appointments

For most people, Google is the first stop when searching for a specific business. And in some cases — like searches for gyms and beauty salons — people are using Google to help them contact the business about an appointment. Now, the search giant has made that possible right from its results pages. How to […]

The ultimate guide to manage Google reviews

Strategies for attracting new customers are always changing, and Google is shaking things up yet again. Apart from well-placed keywords and link-worthy content, reviews from sites like Facebook and Yelp will be displayed in the search results. How Google changed search results Google’s new search algorithm is designed to lead people to high-quality products and […]

Branded search results for your business

SEO is meant to increase traffic to a website so that more users interact with its content. However, there is more than one way to approach SEO. The right approach should also account for users who already know your brand, and make it easier for them to access your website and share it with other […]
